If everyone lived as we do in Scotland, we would need three planets to support us. We can't make more planets, but we can make a difference.
We want to play our part in fixing the problem by using less to do more.
Therefore, our company goal for 2009/10 was to "go green" - something that the whole company worked towards throughout the year. As a result, the policies and procedures we developed are now integrated into our ways of working and continue to have a lasting effect on our day to day operations.
We know there is always more to do to achieve the most environmentally sustainable organisation possible and we will continue to do our best to improve our performance and encourage our suppliers to do the same. We have "green champions" in place throughout our organisation to ensure we keep up our "green" work.
In 2011, Horsecross Arts received the Perthshire Chamber of Commerce Sustainability award. The award recognised the Going Green project involving all employees in its aim to achieve a sustainable business. Changes were made across the board resulting in reduced carbon emissions and significant cost savings. Sustainable business practices are now embedded into the Horsecross Arts culture and ways of working for years to come.
In 2018 Horsecross Arts received a Gold level award from The Green Tourism Business Scheme. The Green Tourism Business Scheme is the largest and most successful environmental accreditation body operating within tourism in Europe.
This process began with a Silver Award in 2009 for Perth Concert Hall and culminated in both Perth Concert Hall and Perth Theatre obtaining Gold Awards in 2018.
In 2016 Perth Concert Hall won the UK Green Venue Award at the UK Event Awards as testament to our green achievements.
It would take too much space to list everything we're doing here, however, here is a flavour of what we have already done!
We recycle paper, cardboard, plastic, glass, toner cartridges, batteries, cooking oil, old electrical equipment and we recycle stage sets where possible. Recycling bins have been introduced throughout the concert hall and theatre to allow customers to recycle too.
We monitor lights to make sure they're turned off when not in use (this has a high impact as the lights in the auditorium are very power hungry!).
We use energy-saving light bulbs and have occupancy monitors to ensure that lights switch off automatically when not in use (you may notice the toilets being slightly darker when you first go in as the light bulbs can take a little while to warm up and get to full brightness). Our toilet flush cycles have been changed to reduce water use.
Approximately 80% of catering produce is sourced locally, saving on "food miles".
Our IT structure has been changed to preserve energy by printing less often, printing double sided and switching our computer screens off when we're away from our desks to save electricity. Payslips are sent by email instead of on paper, and we hold paperless meetings where possible.