Come together with like-minded people, all with a mutual love of music, to sing an uplifting and varied selection of songs and socialise over a cup of tea.
BABY BLAST! is creative play sessions with Dirliebane Theatre Company for babies aged 0-12 months and their grown-ups.
Dirliebane Theatre Company present BOUNCE, a bilingual production in BSL and English for children aged 5 - 9 that centres around big emotions and what to do with them.
One of Scotland’s finest traditional musicians and composers, Ross returns home with all-star collaborators, The Sanctuary Band.
Just in case you're in the wrong place, we are Perth Theatre and Concert Hall based in Perth, Scotland.
Horsecross Arts Ltd is registered in Scotland, no SC301328 and a charity no. SC022400. Registered office: Perth Concert Hall, Mill Street, Perth, PH1 5HZ
Website By Parachute