This is a spine-tingling evening of three tales of the supernatural from E.F. Benson’s brilliant collection of ghost stories, Night Terrors. With masterful storytelling from the award-winning actor Gerard Logan, Night Terrors will transport you to a darker, more sinister world of the unexpected and the unexplainable. The three stories (The Dance, In The Tube and The Confession of Charles Linkworth), are dramatic, haunting and hugely memorable. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘Logan is astounding....He takes a strong script and flies it to the stars’Edinburgh Festival 2016 Review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘watching Logan work is like being privy to a wonder of nature and remains with you ... A true masterpiece of solo performance’The Edinburgh Guide - Edinburgh Festival 2015 Age guidance 11+ £21.50, £19.50, £17.50; Disabled/Unwaged £19.50, £17.40, £15.50; Students/Under 26s £12 Schools pricing available - please contact Ticketing Services.