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Travelling Unknown Distances
Theatre Talk: The Time Machine - A Comedy
with Gail Wylie

Published nearly 130 years ago, H G Wells’ novel was one of the first to imagine an unforeseen and troubling future. Gail’s talk will examine the themes of the book and why they are still relevant to today’s readers.

Chair of the BOOKMARK Book Festival, Gail Wylie began her career in education as an English teacher before joining the adult education department (now called the Centre of Lifelong Learning) at the University of Edinburgh where she became the Course Organiser for Literature and Creative Writing. Over her fourteen years there, she developed the Certificate in Theatre Studies.

Gail has given pre-theatre talks for many visiting productions to Edinburgh’s Festival and King’s Theatres and helped launch the Perth Theatre Season Subscription Theatre Talks in early 2023 along with Joyce Caplan.

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Thu 22 Feb 2024: 18:00
Perth Theatre